Glad You Invited Helen

Drucilla has just finished pasting the jacket of her book on the wall outside of her hotel room when Dalton joins her.

Dalton: I see you’ve read about our guest potato, your Majesty. Did you enjoy it?

The queen takes a step back and observes her work.

Drucilla: My Life as a Potato by Arianne Costner. I find this book very amusing. Just the thing I need. Dalton, are hot dogs the same thing as sausages?

Dalton: I suppose you can call them that, your royal Highness.

Drucilla: I wish you would just call me Drucilla. I am neither majestic nor royal.

Dalton: But you are still the queen.

Drucilla takes a seat on the floor and motions for Dalton to sit beside her.

Drucilla: That’s only because nobody else wants the job.

Captain Dalton

Dalton: No one could do the job as well as you, my Qu- … ah … Drucilla.

Drucilla: I am sure of that! No one else would be so stupid as to invite witches into her beehive.

Dalton: Is that what has you down?

Drucilla: How could I have been so stupid? I thought it would be exciting to invite all kinds of people into the beehive. What was I thinking of? We could have been killed, Dalton!

Dalton: But no one was. Because you kept a cool head and got us out in time, no one was even hurt.

Drucilla: We were lucky.

Dalton: We were lucky to have you.

Drucilla: You don’t have to flatter me.

Dalton: I know.

Drucilla (smiling in spite of herself): Anyway, it did me good to read about hot dogs flying around the school cafeteria in that story. It made me think the principal has it even worse than I do. And poor Ben! Can you imagine having to come here in a potato costume? It must have been very embarrassing for him.

Dalton: I believe it was.

Drucilla (laughs a little): It was funny though.

Dalton (grins): Yes, it was.

Drucilla and Dalton look each other in the eye and can no longer contain their mirth. Both laugh until their sides hurt.

Drucilla: Laughing helps too. As far as that book goes, I would highly recommend it to anyone who needs some cheering up. It’s like medicine for the down-hearted. Have you read it?

Dalton (looking guilty): Not yet, but I know someone who has.

Drucilla: Who?

As if summoned, Frank clops around the corner and joins them in the hallway. His movements are much more fluid than they were two months ago. And the genuine smile on his face when he sees Drucilla counteracts his horribly scarred face. He is so happy and ugly at the same time, he is almost cute monster.

Drucilla: Have a seat, Frank. How’s it going with your reading?

Frankenstein sits down across from them and leans against the wall.

Frank: Wery well. I ike dis book.

Drucilla: So, you are reading entire books now. That went fast. You must be a pretty smart guy.

Frank shrugs, blushing at the compliment.

Court bee Dora

Drucilla: You are. I have been keeping up on your progress. You’re also good with building. I heard you redesigned the center of the new beehive.

Frank: A ope ya don mind.

Drucilla: Not at all! We’re grateful to you.

Now Frank grins from ear to ear. No one has ever been grateful to him before.

Dalton: I’m very glad you came to visit us. You have been a real help the last week.

Frank is so overwhelmed with this praise, he stares at the ground. But the blush and the smile remain on his face.

Drucilla: I understand you much better too.

Dalton: That’s true.

Drucilla: The first time I met you, I was embarrassed because I didn’t understand you.

Frank: I was emwarrassed because ou didn’t understand me. Why were ou emwarrassed?

Drucilla: Because I failed as a hostess.

Frank (blinking back a tear): Ou are de best hostess a ewer knew.

Drucilla looks from Frank to Dalton and back to Frank.

Drucilla: What’s with you two today? You’re throwing around compliments like … like …

Frank: Hot dogs in the cafeteria?

They all grin at that joke.

Drucilla (sighs): Well, I don’t deserve such compliments after getting our beehive blown away like I did.

Frank: Ou didn’t do ut.

Drucilla: If I hadn’t invited that witch into our home, …

Dalton: I believe I invited her. If anyone is to blame, I am.

Drucilla: But I believed Helen and how abused she has been.

Frank: I don’t know Helen, but I’m glad you invited me. You believed me too.

Drucilla: I guess I did, once I knew what you were saying.

Frank: Ou are the first perhun at cared awout me.

Frank is so moved, he covers his face to hide his tears. Drucilla sheds a few tears in sympathy. Dalton can’t speak for a while.

Drucilla: Look at us. One minute we’re laughing together and the next minute we’re crying. Dalton, we never did this in the royal living quarters.

Dalton: No, we didn’t.

Drucilla: I was too busy being the queen.

Dalton: That was your job.

Drucilla: I kind of like it better this way.

Dalton: So do I.

Drucilla: Well, it’s difficult to be the queen in a hotel. I hope it can stay like this when we’re settled in our new hive.

Dalton:  in that case, I say, “Thank goodness, I invited Helen.”

All three laugh again.

Drucilla: Where do you really live, Frank?

Frank (shrugs): A don have a home. Nowhere a wanna be anyway.

Drucilla: Would you like to stay with us? Permanently?

Frank: Ya, a would!

Drucilla: Then welcome to my bee colony, Frank. Too bad we have nothing to toast with. All of our honey juice got blown away by the tornado.

Frank: Drucilla?

Drucilla: Yes?

Frank: Am glad Dawton inwited Helen too.

Another round of laughter and tears.

The End

Author: Robbie West

I was born quite a long time ago on the Mississippi River, in the Quad-Cities, to be exact. I have since traded in the Mississippi for the Moselle in Germany, but I can hardly imagine not living near water. I am by nature a writer. I love to put words together that make an impact, conjure up a dream or cause a tear to roll down a cheek. It is the one clear talent I have brought to the world.