Book Review Contest

Dalton and I are very excited to announce our first Creative Book Review Contest. We think the review of a piece of art should also be a work of art. We want to encourage readers to write a review of their favorite books. Classics are alright, but we would really like to see something contemporary. We assume the contestants will review a book of fiction, but if anyone out there can show us an entertaining review of a non-fiction book, we will be happy to read it.

I will lay out some of the rules, but be sure to take a look at our guidelines as well.

  1. The length of the review must not exceed 500 words.
  2. Please use Times New Roman 12pt.
  3. Put your name, address, phone number and e-mail address on the review.
  4. Send a cover letter via e-mail to attach the review as a word .doc or docx file.
  5. The deadline for submitting is June 30, 2020.
  6. The winner will be announced on July 31, 2020.

So try something new with your book review. Personalize it. Personify it. Defamiliarize it. We can’t wait to read it!

Author: Robbie West

I was born quite a long time ago on the Mississippi River, in the Quad-Cities, to be exact. I have since traded in the Mississippi for the Moselle in Germany, but I can hardly imagine not living near water. I am by nature a writer. I love to put words together that make an impact, conjure up a dream or cause a tear to roll down a cheek. It is the one clear talent I have brought to the world.